Friday, February 18, 2011

The stamp of approval

While I’m waiting around to help sell the house and move back to Wisconsin I decided to post another song off the MPC and scribble another drawing to go with it. I can think of worse ways to spend my time.

Texas Sucks by djcapturescratch

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Returning The Favor

A good friend of mine made a blog post with a freestyle rap over one of my bad hip-hop beats. I wanted to return the favor by posting a song we did together a while back. I figured I would draw a little something to go along with it. NTSC, this one is for you.

Soapbox Derby(feat.NTSC) by djcapturescratch

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentines Day everyone! This year I am celebrating my love of illustration. I did this as a promotional piece to drum up some more freelance business and it totally worked. Right away I got a gig to draw the next cover for the Seven Days newsweekly in Vermont, it's going really well. I'm not too keen on tattoos in real life, but for illustrations I have no qualms. Anyway, happy love day once again from me!